Destination Köln, to meet Caroline, for the 4th time and my 2nd visit to her place. I’m tired and try to catch up on sleep on the plane, drifting off, I’m happy to find Caro slipping easily into my dreams. My Germanwings 2 hour flight from Stockholm arrives on-time in Köln and I wait to collect my bag, wondering how she will look this time, she’s coming to collect me in a friend’s car. I walk out into the arrivals hall to see her waiting for me, looking great and very happy. Its so good to have her in my arms again…kissing and hugging…it’s a long time since I landed at an airport and had someone there waiting for me, longing for me…I cant tell you how good that feels.
She drives us back to her flat and it’s great to be there again. We share a cool beer and I’m delighted to find she has a present for me…its one of these travelling wash bags she has and that I had said I wanted…waiting in the bathroom with a message on it for me. I’m happy I bought her a present too, and she seems pleased with the underwear I give her. It’s late and we are soon on our way to her bed. We want each other so much after almost 2 weeks of being apart and we make love in a passionate and fulfilling way.
On Friday morning I wake alone in her bed. Caro has to work in the morning so I take lazy lie-in. She’s working in a school and we have arranged to meet up later on when she’s finished after lunch. I eat some breakfast and take the bicycle Caro’s borrowed for me and cycle to meet her. It’s a beautiful ride along the side of Rhine which is just a few blocks from her flat. I stop on a small grassy patch on the bank of the river and strip to my shorts as the sun has come out and it’s suddenly hot. I bought a small German phrase book when I was in London and now spend a bit of time trying to get to grips with some of the basic German greetings and stuff…this is going to take time! Caro arrives and after a chat about her troubles at work, we ride back into Köln and stop for coffee and light lunch one of her favourite cafes. We pickup some shopping on the way home. The area she lives in is small streets, full of small community shops and has a nice busy and local feel to it, despite the fact that were just a short walk from the city centre, I like this a lot. Our evening spent eating out at a local Tapas Bar and again were deep into stories about our past and discussing our lives and comparing views on these things. Its very easy to talk openly about everything with Caroline and that’s very important for both of us and to our progress together.
31 August 2006
Landing in Köln again
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 00:15 0 comments
30 August 2006
On-line chatting
Yesterday I was on-line to Caro for ages. We seem to be able to communicate very well in this way, using e-mail or MSN. In a way I prefer to talk and call each other sometimes, but I also like the way we can be very intimate and stimulate each others minds and hearts with words. Really looking forward to seeing her again on Thursday night and as I’m arriving quite late, we won’t need an excuse to jump straight into bed together...looking forward to that :-)
I’ve been out playing snooker this evening with some mates, which is one of my favourite things to do these days in an evening. For now I usually get to play once every week or two and am getting better, slowly but surely.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 02:03 0 comments
27 August 2006
Matters of the heart
What’s important for me in a relationship? I woke up this morning with this big question on my mind again, its one I have been trying to spend time on over the last few weeks. I try to and decide what’s important for me in a relationship and relate this to my girlfriend Caroline. But each time I try to think about it, all the things I have in my mind get mixed up and I find it hard to focus on them and I end up giving up with the process and hoping it will be clearer next time I try, but it isn’t. Why is it like this?
There are so many different factors that make a relationship good and I think we have already established that lots of them are working for us… the attraction to each other, the form of our bodies, the way we touch, caress and kiss each other… the way we make love to each other. I’m a big believer in the chemical factors, the taste of a kiss, taste of the body and scent of each other and all these are working for me. The “like the same things” list like food and music is growing too. We still have lots more to talk about and get to know about each other and what makes us the people we are, what made us the way we are and what we want from life in the future… but my heart is beating faster when we meet and when we have intimate moments and this thing with the heart is perhaps at the centre of this relationship question… its very important and difficult to understand sometimes… but it feels good.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 11:10 0 comments
26 August 2006
Friday night…
Thank-god-its-Friday… busy week at work and with travelling and some late nights… I feel in need of a good night out. We start the evening off with some after-work drinks on the balcony with Josip and Jonas… that’s good. Then into town to Söder with bags of beers, to a friends place for drinks and take-away curry. The evening is interspersed with an exchange of raunchy sms with Caro…even some pictures…just how drunk was I? We go on to a favourite bar on Södermalm called Metro on Götgatan, a cool, laidback place with a relaxing lounge environment. All-in-all a great evening, even if a little too much intoxicating drink was consumed….but you need a night like that sometimes. Just a little hard to get up today ;-)
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 13:22 0 comments
23 August 2006
Business in London
London is a good place to visit on business as my brother Michael and sister Zoë live there. I have a major rail project developing in London and so I’m in London for 2 days to visit the customer and system integrator for a project meeting. Michael lives in central London not far from Tower Bridge. I stay with him instead of a hotel, that’s much nicer and gives me a chance to se him. He’s just moved into a new apartment, which is great and even bigger than his last one! On the Tuesday evening, I meet up for an after-work drink in Canary Wharf with Michael, Zoë and Lindsey, a girl friend of theirs. We sit outside and have a few drinks, chat and laugh about life, and then we eat at one of the restaurants nearby. It’s good to be here and see them and I’m glad I have a good relationship with them despite the distance.
I hope I can bring Caroline here some day soon to meet them too. Its less than a week to go before I will see her again in Cologne and I am hoping the coming days will go quickly.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 20:52 0 comments
19 August 2006
Casual Saturday
Fortunately is still hot here in Sweden, so I have to get out on my bike. I’m trying to spend time with my two teenage daughters, which isn’t easy as they seem to be very occupied with their own lives and friends. Take a ride into town on my Triumph to lunch with Josip and Elis, then I go into the centre and buy a new CD case for my music, which I’ve been meaning to do for ages. Cook dinner for me and the girls and we manage to sit down and eat and chat together which is nice.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 23:57 0 comments
18 August 2006
A great visit
Although I only had an evening and morning with Caroline during this visit to Köln, it was really great and seemed to last much longer than I expected.
As well as all our passionate moments, we spent lots of time talking about all sorts of things and I feel were getting to know each other very well. It’s still quite early in our relationship, but I think we continue to find a great deal of subjects on which we both have similar views. We lie in bed in the morning and plan several trips to Köln and Stockholm over the coming months. It can be cheep to fly as long as you book in advance and were taking advantage of that. I will visit her again in the first weekend in September for a long weekend. Very much looking forward to that and to meeting her friends. We also talked about future possibilities to be together and I was surprised Caro was prepared and had given this some thought already. I’d previously decided not to get into this subject until we had seen more about each other, but it’s good to see she’s taking this relationship seriously. That makes me feel good.
When its time to go, I’m trying to be brave and cool but I just want to throw away my bag and stay with her. My heart is longing as soon as I’m driving away in the taxi and the only consolation is to sit down later and write all this all on my Blog. Wonder if anyone else other than Caro will ever read this Blog and what they will make of it?
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 11:58 0 comments
17 August 2006
Meeting Caroline for the 3rd time
I’m on the ICE train on my way to Köln. In just an hour or so I shall meet her again, my mind is wandering again and all I can think of is taking her as soon as we meet. Is this really normal behaviour? [Don’t be stupid, sure it is, you like her and she likes you, perfectly natural to think this way!] I’ll be there soon. Patience!Now I’m waiting for Caroline at Starbucks outside the train station in Köln. Just managed to get on an earlier train and now she’s on her way to meet me. I sitting here with my coffee and just for now, try to stop myself thinking of all the things we might do together and how our relationship might develop, as this is too exciting and I want to seem relaxed when she arrives. I have my head down reading my book when she arrives. Then her warm hands are stroking my face from behind and then her face is reaching round to kiss me. She looks so good and happy and in that seemingly frozen moment in time, I realize that this could be the person I want to spend a lifetime together with. We hug and embrace and kiss each other and my heart is racing, she’s so pretty. We sit and chat, have a coffee and discuss plans. It’s a short buss ride to her flat and now here we are together in Cologne for the first time together. Her flat has big rooms and has a very female touch to it. Her beautiful paintings are on the walls and I like them a lot, she’s obviously talented. She has a beautiful balcony which is full of plants. Were both trying to be social and manage this 3rd meeting together in a serious sort of way, but that doesn’t last for long, we can’t help our selves. Were very close to each other, kissing, and we both want each other very much, all control is lost, we have to make love immediately.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 07:25 0 comments
15 August 2006
Travelling again
Now I’m off travelling with my work again, only this time I have the chance to mix business with pleasure. My job requires me to travel a lot and it takes me all over the world, but it’s very unusual for me to plan anything fun at the same time. This time I’m visiting customers in Switzerland and Germany, flying to Zurich then by train to Mannheim and Köln. The coincidence is almost beyond belief, as Caro lives in Köln, so I get the chance to visit her there for the first time. I can’t wait. She’s been sending me more text messages and e-mails with more of her story about us. As usual I am taken back by her ability to describe our meetings in detail and with all the same passion I felt at the time too. It’s very hard to get my emotions about this girl straight in my head. I’ve started something that I want to continue, the question is; do I know where it’s going and am I prepared for the potential result. I know I don’t want to stop now anyway.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 11:20 0 comments
13 August 2006
Wow...mind blowing...
...Just read the first part of Caroline’s story of how we met, this is better than booze or drugs…reading her story about her, me, us… its giving me such a rush. It's like standing in a strong wind or winning a race. The feeling that someone is writing these things about me is so good. I love the bit about our first meeting…I want to remember that in more detail…wonder if I can, or if she can…those small first looks, first touch, first kiss…
…I’m looking forward to reading more of that.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 20:09 0 comments
List No.1 Books
Its a tradition on blog’s to have lists, like top-10-songs or films, best of year, holidays, favourite things to do at weekends, the list of lists is endless. I decided to start with books. I started reading a lot more during the past 10 years. I have lots of hours in airports and on planes while travelling with my work, so I read to pass the time in a constructive way. I also love to read on holiday or on a Sunday afternoon. I can’t put this list into an exact order of merit…that would be too hard, so its my “the-top-10-books-I-liked-most” list, from the ones I can remember just now anyway!
1 “White Teeth” by Zadie Smith
This is simply a great book, a story of family and relationships with a fascinating mixture of cultures, set in modern day London.
2 “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” by Mark Haddon
This is simply a must read for everyone on the whole planet, it’s a brilliant insight into the world as seen by an autistic boy. Its both sad and funny and compelling reading.
3 “High Fidelity” by Nick Hornby
This must be the book that made “lists” popular. Funny story about music and relationships with girls, a must for all the lads out there, just a shame the film version was crap.
4 “Tokyo” by Mo Hayder
This was the first of her books for me, interesting story and at the same time quite scary…if you like this one, read her other books, Bird Man and The Treatment, they are very scary police thrillers.
5 “Popular Music from Vittula” by Mikael Niemi
I think this will make you laugh, I did, I read it in Swedish, so I hope the translation is good. Story of a boy’s life in a small Swedish town and his rise to greater things.
6 “Angles and Demons” by Dan Brown
OK so there not classics, but I like this one best. A good story with lots of twists to keep you reading to the end.
7 “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien
The prologue to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, a lighter and funny story of a Hobit and his introduction to “the ring”.
8 "Star Man Jones" by Robert A. Heinlein
This one is in the list because I started reading Science Fiction as a boy and I think this was possibly the first real book I ever read. Enthralling story about travel in the stars.
9 “Kings of Albion” by Julian Rathbone
I love'd his mixture of east and west, set in the 1460’s, its funny and historical and un-predictable, all in the same book.
10 “A Long Way Down” by Nick Hornby
OK, so I have two by the same author! Well I just love his quick, sarcastic style and I read this book on holiday this year in Greece and laughed out loud many times. A very good read.
Let me know if you liked any of these too?
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 17:59 2 comments
Saturday night’s thoughts…
Well its been a good day with a relaxing start…late up, breakfast, fixed some network stuff on my portable…than a long phone call with Caroline :) She’s not so keen to talk on the phone, but I love to hear her voice and just want her to bee here by my side. Can’t believe I’m so into this sometimes….but what can I do…I can sense she’s trying to squeeze down the phone line to be with me, and I want her to be here…now!
We exchanged some photos so I added one here. Its one of me that Caro has taken while she was here in my flat…its not bad. She has this group of friends like the Sex in the City gang and she’s been telling them all about us…wonder if they really think I’m a good idea for Caro? Hope so…and looking forward to meeting them…Caroline obviously likes them very much.Well the day ended with a very good night out with Jonas and Pia. We went to see Jonas Gardell perform his one-man-show at the open air theatre on Söder. He was very good, then we went for a drink at the Thai Boat afterwards, it’s still very warm for Sweden and we sat out all night. Just got a nice sms from Caroline…something to go to sleep with :)
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 01:36 3 comments
11 August 2006
Good photo of my Triumph
Just collected some pictures from the developer that were taken during the course at the Gelleråsa race track. This is a good picture of my bike and from the best angle I think.I shall sort through them and perhaps post a few more later on. There were some pictures of Caroline on the same film, but I have to check if its ok to post them here before I do that. Had a very cool mail form her this afternoon...looking forward to next weeks visit :)
Well thank god its Friday...its been a long week. Looking forward to relaxing and sure to be out again on the Triumph at some time over the weekend. I was on it to work today and it feels just great after a week in the garage...wish I had the time to use it more often.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 18:22 0 comments
Busy week at work
It was cool to get a text message from Caroline…I like that…I was in a meeting at work when it arrived and I was very distracted by its content…makes me wonder what I am doing here in Sweden, when C is there in Cologne and I get the very distinct feeling she is longing for me. What a good feeling I have inside from such sms texts :)
Anyway I have had a very busy week with work and together with some customers visiting Sweden for a course. I have been out with them in Stockholm both yesterday and today. We were at two of Stockholm’s best restaurants, eating outside in these wonderful warm summer evenings that were experiencing at the moment, and although the customers and I had a good time and the food was great…I cant help thinking I would rather be there together with C. instead. Ignacio is my very good friend and customer from Spain, and he is one of the visitors this week and he is very good fun and understands me. He wishes me luck in my visit to see C next week. Its people like him that make me feel so fortunate to have a job like mine, where I am able to mix such varied work with socialising in this way. I am truly lucky and if I add all this to the knowledge that Caroline is thinking of me and I’m thinking of her…a lovely girl who seems to be very interested in me…then I feel very fortunate indeed.I shall take my mc to work tomorrow…seems like ages since I used it (a week anyway)…can’t wait to give C a ride on the back of it. I promise to be so careful, so she can enjoy it. I’m hoping we can take a ride into the countryside and see some more of Sweden together.
Its late now, so I hope she’s already sleeping well.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 02:08 0 comments
09 August 2006
I told C about the blog
Well I did it, I sent the text to Caroline to read. We were chatting on MSN and told her I had written all about our 1st weekend together. She wanted to read it, and I immediately wondered if I had done the right thing, perhaps she would think I was strange or out-of-order! I put the first day on my blog site and directed her to read it. She seemed delighted and wanted to read more. I sent her the next 3 days in an e-mail and waited. I was nervous, it was intimate stuff. She said she was lost for words, that she had never read about herself in this way before, in a real story about her, she liked it. I have since put most of it on the blog. Not sure I shall post the more intimate details yet. Have to think about that and be sure Caroline is OK with that too.
I shall write some more and try to document my feelings about this girl…its very therapeutic and I like doing it.
I had a nice mail from Caroline today. In it she wrote “its the first time that somebody is writing about me like that and it feels nearly indescribable. Some parts really fire my imagination :-) i'm thrilled!”
Comments like this make it all the more worth while to write.
We are trying to plan my visit to Köln next week. Its just luck I shall be there on business and get a chance to meet her again so soon. I shall also plan to visit her again soon for a long weekend if possible…that would be nice, to see where she lives; perhaps meet some of her friends.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 01:16 0 comments
07 August 2006
What a good morning... she’s so sensual, I just can’t stop touching her all over when I’m lying next to her. Running my hands across her smooth skin, across her back, down her arms and across her smooth flat tummy. Kissing her, gently biting her lips and touching her tongue with mine. Running my warm hand up her neck, fingers in between her hair, she arches her back, and she loves every minute of it.
Finally we get up and have fruit and yoghurt on the balcony. It’s even hotter today. Pack a picnic and take the car to a small bay near Saltsjöbaden. Swim in the sea and have our picnic there. Lie on the grass and talk about us and what happens to us next, how to move forward. We decide we want to meet again, that’s good. Drive home and Caroline packs her bag. We lie on the bed and hug and caress each other; neither of us wants to get up to go to the airport. We drive to Arlanda. It’s hard to let go of her. Now she’s gone, but I’m already planning to travel to Köln to see her again.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 00:03 0 comments
06 August 2006
Get out of bed late again and have a late breakfast on the balcony. Sit and chat, listen to music, then a sandwich for lunch before we ride into town again. We ride in via Kungsholmen and stop at the town hall for a quick look, then to Gamlastan for an ice cream and then we watch the Pride Festival Parade. Walk around Gamlastan and have a coffee, then home for a drink and a shower. Take a taxi into town and eat out at a Lebanese restaurant, Sahara on Söder. We both like that too. Go to Södra Bar for a drink then take a taxi home and to bed.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 01:50 0 comments
05 August 2006
Wake up, hold Caroline in my arms, and caress her body all over, she’s so sexy, its so hard to get out of bed. We have breakfast together, and then walk over to my friends to borrow a bicycle for Caroline to use. Then we ride into Stockholm. We have Sushi for lunch, that’s good, we both like Sushi. Ride to Skeppsholmen, one of the islands in town and lie in the park together. Take a coffee in Gamlastan, the old town and then ride home. We cook some pasta and eat on the balcony, a very romantic night and its so hot...then we go to bed.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 11:31 0 comments
04 August 2006
Thursday with C
I drove to the airport to collect Caroline, and then, there I was, standing in the arrival hall, wondering what to expect, wondering if she would recognise me, if I would recognise her! I was sure I had a good picture of her in my mind. But did it actually make any sense? To be here waiting for a girl I had only known for 7 hours in Greece a few weeks before. Was I absolutely mad? No, I was doing what I think I’m good at, following my instincts, wanting to meet that girl who had attracted me with her smile, fluttering eyes, her sexy dancing, and her obvious desire to be with me. I wanted to discover if Caroline was more than just a holiday romance. And then after a nervous wait, she was there, walking towards me, to meet me, and she looked so good, just as I had hoped and remembered.
An evening of listening of music, kissing, caressing, very late to bed, we slept together... just what I wanted to happen.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 23:56 0 comments
02 August 2006
2 days on the track
Wow… a great two days on the track with Josip and Elis in Karlskoga with my mc. We put the two bikes into a van and drove to the track on Sunday afternoon. The two day course on Monday and Tuesday was such good fun. I had a good instructor and learnt loads of things about riding fast that I’ve never fully understood before. Loads about cornering techniques, steering, breaking points, looking ahead into the corner etc. I even rode round with my instructor on the back of my bike at speed, then him with me on the back. It was a little scary, but very useful, seeing where put the power on and how far the bike can go. Got my lap time to about 1:30, which isn’t so fast compared to the fast guys at Gelleråsa, but not bad after just 2 days there and 2nd visit to a track. I was happy anyway. Unfortunately Elis dropped his Kawasaki on Monday in the last session and scraped up one side. He was OK and the bike was still ok to ride so him and Josip still managed to ride on the Tuesday as well. Looking forward to doing another track like that again soon :)
Caroline has said she’s coming to Sweden on Thursday evening to stay for the weekend, great, cant wait to see her again.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 23:30 0 comments