Well after being reminded by my boss I might need a visa for India, as I’m due to fly there next week on business. I made some calls and yes, shit, I needed one. Not like me to miss something like this! Suppose this is what happens when someone else organises a trip for you…anyway,
I had to download and fill out the forms, had a photo and my passport at work, lucky, dived into my car and rushed into town. Ran into the embassy at 11:55, they close at 12:00, lucky, and sat down and waited. Waited an hour for my number to come up, which was last. Was advised that it takes 5 to 10 day to get a visa! Showed him the letter saying I would be meeting the Railways Minister and that it was very important, also that I was flying on Monday! Monday! he said. Yes I said, can you fix it by then, PLEASE. After some more questions I seemed to be winning. Can you collect it on Monday at 12 he said, Yes I said, lucky. Ran back to the car, which I had abandoned in a very illegal position, no parking ticket, VERY LUCKY. I’m sure there’s a good moral to this story…but who cares, sometimes you just have to be a bit lucky!
28 November 2006
Lucky Tuesday
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 21:52 0 comments
27 November 2006
4 days to go
Now there are only 4 days to go before I will see Caroline again…that’s if my aching heart can wait that long! I have this wish to simply fast forward the next few days so that Friday will come much faster. Caro is flying to Stockholm on Friday evening and I will collect her from the airport…and as usual I will be waiting there for her with my heart beating and my mind spinning with desire… and what a kiss she will get when she arrives :)
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 22:29 1 comments
25 November 2006
Good Friday night
After a very tough week at work, filled with difficult meetings, stressy customer calls and too much e-mail, I needed a fun Friday night. I arrange for Therese and her man, Christian, and my friend Josip come over after work. Started with a much needed beer and some nibbles while we prepare our dinner together, which is a taco feast. Josip and Tess fix a fantastic Guacamole with lots of garlic.
Then we take a real drink, a mojito and Christian checks out the ice-hocky while we fix a play list for the music. We sit down and eat and have a good Friday chat and laugh lots which is very important on a Friday! Then we clear away and play a game of Poker. This is always good fun with cool Josip, hard to read Christian, and win on the river Tess :) But after a long game and much to and fro of chips…I manage to win… and it was a while since I last won so that was fun. All in all a very satisfying, fun Friday night...I just wish Caroline could have been here with me, to enjoy the evening together with me. I hope to do this again soon but togther with her.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 11:10 0 comments
23 November 2006
Calls to my family
I have been talking both my Mum and Dad on the phone this week about Caroline. I’ve been pleased the way they have both been asking about my new girlfriend. I don’t speak to them so often, every few weeks or so, and some times months go by before we speak again. I had previously discussed Caroline with my mum, so she already knew about her. She was anyway asking about our trip to Madrid and was pleased to hear our relationship is moving forward, which it is :) She doesn’t seem so surprised, but that’s perhaps not so strange, as I left England some time ago and have previously been together with a girl from another country, so nothing seems to surprise her any more. I spoke to my dad this evening and he mentioned it right away. He’d had the news from my auntie Carol, who had sent him a print out of an e-mail I sent her. My dad doesn’t have a pc and doesn’t want one either, so he’s always the last to hear any news. Nonetheless, he sounded very pleased and asked how my German was going…I have to admit I haven’t learnt so much yet. He remembers some as he was stationed in Berlin when he was a young marine. So I was happy to discuss Caroline with them both and look forward to taking her to England to meet them.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 00:32 1 comments
18 November 2006
Sunday in Madrid
Again we wake in a warm embrace… we have to catch breakfast before 11 and get off to the German Embassy to fix a temporary ID for her. Its not far away and the ID’s soon fixed. Then we walk to the park and find a quiet spot on the grass to lie-down, soak up the Spanish sun and talk to each other. We have a lovely chat about lots of things and how we met in Greece. How we met on that last night, in that bar, and now 4 months later, I’m so unbelievably happy and in love with this girl. So I have to say that this was the luckiest meeting ever.When we get back to the hotel, it was clear we both wanted to take advantage of the last few hours in Madrid together in our hotel bed. I live in a permanent state of anticipation that I’ll be able to re-live this day, to see if there’s a limit to our enjoyment of each other.
At the airport we again find it hard to separate, and as she’s leaving me, I want to say it, but I don’t get the right moment, and as she goes through to the plane, I want her to look back and see me through the glass, so I can point to my heart and then to her, but she’s gone with a wave, and now my heart is aching and I know this means that I do love her.
Its funny how its hard to say sometimes…but I can do this the next time we meet…because I can write it now its true…see…I love you :-)
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 18:09 1 comments
17 November 2006
Saturday in Madrid
Hmmm…there’s movement in the bed next to me…a soft hand is gently stroking my shoulder, moving down my back, over my backside, along my leg and back. This is the most pleasant way to woken up that is humanly possible, as I am waking up…and I realise that my girl is in need of love and attention. She’s lying in my arms and looking satisfied with her man and this great bed…and I relax and enjoy this morning cuddle and we make plans for the day ahead. The breakfast in the hotel is excellent and we take advantage of the easy atmosphere the hotel offers us. After breakfast, we set off to collect the police report that Caro has phoned in for the stolen wallet. It’s a sunny day and we walk through the twisting streets and soak up the Spanish sun. We walk through the palace grounds, around the old town and back to a small bar where we eat more Tapas.
Back at the hotel we run the bath and enjoy a bottle of Champagne and chocolates in the warm bubbly water, and just chat and absorb this great moment. We go out with Ignacio and his wife and eat tapas at 2 different places and then on to a bar for the last drink on the night. This part of the old town is full of such bars. This was a perfect day… and I want to keep on having days like this with Caroline for the rest of my life.
You are the best…my love…I love you.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 21:19 2 comments
16 November 2006
Friday in Madrid
I had some work to do on Friday morning, so I had to get up and leave my beautiful girl at the hotel. So while I discussed the details of a major project with Madrid Metro, Caroline explored the old streets of Madrid, enjoyed the fabulous weather…which at 18degC, was much warmer than usual and much better than the rain that had dominated the weeks before we arrived. Now it was sunny and warm, and Caroline was enjoying her free time. I finally got back from my business at about 7 and met Caro waiting for me in the hotel lobby. We changed and then walked down through the old town in Madrid and found a little Tapas bar near the Royal Palace. This Spanish food is so good, and we ate the special cooked pepper dish and the cooked potatoes with eggs…just so good. It was just perfect there. Then we walked to a small bar and had a drink, and then to another bar where they were playing live Flamenco music. Caro had found this place on the internet and it was fun to see the way the locals joined in and sang these strange Spanish songs. Then on the way back to our hotel, a small disaster, Caroline had her wallet stolen. There followed some distressed moments and phone calls to credit card companies, but we eventually got things in some order. I felt so sorry for Caroline…she’s not an un-careful person, it was just very bad luck. We eventually got into bed, a little distracted by the evening’s events and very tired. I did my best to console her over the lost wallet and we soon fell asleep in each others arms.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 20:26 1 comments
To Madrid
Thursday in Madrid
I was on my way to Madrid with my work today. I have customer meetings and I will take part in a Rail exhibition in Madrid, together with our Spanish Distributor. More importantly, I have my great girlfriend flying to Madrid, at the same time. Caroline is going to stay with me until Sunday…what great planning this was. When I landed in Madrid, Caroline was already there, as her flight from Cologne landed 30 minutes before mine. Again I can’t wait to hug and kiss her when again we are meeting after a few weeks apart, and again in an airport terminal. This is becoming our preferred meeting place :) As always, we can hardly stop kissing her…her tongue is playing delicately with mine as we kiss…my heart is racing and the sense of desire is filling the air around us. We take a taxi to my hotel, which is in the centre of Madrid. It’s a smart hotel and our room turns out to be just fine and has just what we need…a big bed :) We walk to a small Tapas bar and have some wine and tapas and chat. It has a beautiful atmosphere and we’re both very happy to be in Madrid together. We return to the hotel and move to the bed. What a fantastic lover my Caroline is... this Spanish mood is obviously very compatible with us.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 01:33 1 comments
05 November 2006
1st sexy message for you
I just posted a story for your eyes only :)
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 21:22 1 comments
04 November 2006
and I want to stay
The next morning we wake up and I feel great…I think Caroline did too…she looked very happy. We chat and cuddle and make love again and were very relaxed and enjoying each others company. This evening and day together was so much needed by both of us…its just amazing how much we want each other.
We get up and have a sot of brunch meal and were watching the time as Friederike is due to pick us up at 12. Caroline has a theatre group to get to and I’m going with her and I’m looking forward to this. We drive with Friederike to the hotel where the performance will take place. It’s for an old ladies birthday party. I meet the others from the group and they are very friendly and want me to join in with their warm up session. I’m a little nervous. They are doing “PlayBack” theatre, which involves the players acting short stories live, based on input from the audience. They do a few to warm up, and then they ask me for a story! I’m not sure what to say to Friederike, who is the “story catcher” (I’m sure they have another name for this, but this seems very suitable) for this performance. I tell of the problems getting to Köln the previous evening…and then they begin, in English! Its very good and funny and Caro is looking at them, quite surprised, and like me, she’s so impressed with their performance of us that she forgets to take part her self. [Which when I read your blog later, I understand you were very moved at this point] Well the actual performance is actually very fun too and although I can’t understand most of what there saying, I’m enjoying watching them and how they all have their own styles and expressions.
Friederike drives us straight to the airport as I need to catch my flight home. Caroline and I sit in our now very familiar café at the airport and chat and hug and kiss, and long for the plane to be cancelled or something so I can stay longer. Another airport picture…these are so hard to get right when were both smiling and fooling about. But then I have to go and its never been so hard to let go of this girl…just one more kiss…then another…and another…and I want to stay with her.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 10:12 0 comments
03 November 2006
Short trip to Cologne
There are times when I can even surprise myself…when I do something I wasn’t expecting to do…like this week, when I fixed a short trip to see Caro. Having not seen her for several weeks, I had the opportunity to make a stop in Germany on the way back from a business trip in Poland. It wasn’t actually great timing work wise and the detour would only give me an evening together with her in Cologne, but I really wanted to see her. So I went ahead and booked the flights and I called Caro last Friday to let her know I would be with her on Tuesday evening. She sounded so happy…I knew immediately this unexpected visit would be worthwhile.
My flight from Poland was late leaving Gdansk airport, so I missed my connecting flight to Cologne in Munich. I was mad about this…I’m so fed up with flights going wrong so often, especially when my girls waiting for me. I had a little luck as there was space on the next flight which was only an hour later. Frustrated…I called Caro to tell her I would be an hour late… and she told me she still planned to come to the airport to meet me. As I stood at the airport waiting for the next flight, I could only think of making love to her again as soon as I got to her flat.
When I arrived in Cologne and we met in the airport, my head felt dizzy with her love and kisses and my intense feelings for her. We took a taxi straight to her flat and were soon in her hall kissing passionately. This girl is amazing.
Later we relax and snuggle and chat in this late hour and we drink some wine and have a little midnight feast in her bed. I haven’t done that for a long time…its fun…then we fall asleep in a warn embrace, tired but satisfied and very happy...and in the dark I’m smiling on the outside as well as on the inside :)
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 01:35 2 comments
01 November 2006
In Poland
I’m in Poland on business this week, in Gdansk. This is a very pretty city and well worth a visit if you get the chance. After all the Polish history and wars and solidarity movement etc. the people are very friendly and proud of their city, which has been completely rebuilt. It was burnt to the ground, but is now restored to its original beauty. The old town is very large and has some very interesting architecture to look at and explore. As usual, I only had time for a quick tour, but the Polish guy who showed me around was very well informed and talked continuously about the city and its history. A good thing to try is their soup, which is served in a bowl made of bread! Very tasty, all of it.
I’m flying to see Caroline “on the way home”, which is actually a little detour around Europe, but as usual, I cant wait to see her again.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 10:30 0 comments