It's me, Liam :-)
Today, I'm 3 weeks and 3 days old.
Life has been pretty interesting so far, it's so different to where I was before, I can tell you that! Every day, I experience something new.
Everybody says that I'm so small, but when I stretch my arms and legs I'm quite long already.
I have a nice pram where I like to sleep, especially on the balcony. Sometimes, Mummy takes me out with the pram too. I've even been on the bus already into town - exciting, all the sounds and even more to look at!
But I also like to be at home and to take it easy. My favourite pastime is studying things, like the whales on the wall in my room or Mrs Cow who is sitting next to me on the changing table. Sometimes I try to talk to her, but she still seems a bit shy.
Another favourite pastime of mine is having a lie-in in the mornings, especially with Mum and Daddy next to me. Also quite cool is my bath in the evenings that I have in a little bucket called Tummy Tub. In there, I can almost sit on my own!
That's it for now, I'm tired after this entry.
See you soon!
27 October 2008
Hi there!
Posted by Baby Liam at 21:59 1 comments
19 October 2008
Almost 2 weeks old
Liam is soon two weeks old and we are taking every opportunity to catch him with the camera while he is still so small and cute. He’s a very happy and peaceful baby, who’s rarely upset. This makes him quite easy to photograph.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 22:19 0 comments
07 October 2008
42+0 baby Liam is born
After visiting our midwife, Diane, on Monday morning, there was just one day to go before Caroline would be 2 weeks overdue. Not that this is the end of the world, but it’s the point in time when you need to start having checkups every day and deciding if the birth needs to be induced.
As it turned out, we didn’t have to worry about this. Caroline started to have some contractions on Monday evening at around 8 o’clock. They were about 20min apart from the start and not strong. We were able to go to bed and we both slept until Caroline woke again at 1:30 in the night. By then the contractions were strong enough keep her awake, but still only 15 to 20min apart. We moved into the living room and half slept between contractions for the rest of the night on the mattress on the living room floor. At least I did anyway, I think Caroline was awake for most of the time.
I called the midwife and we agreed she would come to our flat later in the afternoon. By 11 am the contractions were more intense and coming every 10min. I called Diane to update her and she arrived soon after at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. She checked Caroline, who was already 5cm dilated by this time. We then started the serious business of helping Caroline dealing with ever more regular and painful contractions. Caroline was great and managed really well. We moved around the flat and stood, sat and leaned in various positions to help her cope with the contractions. Serious pain relief isn’t an option with a home birth, but Diane helped Caroline with good advice and a little acupuncture. Caroline had also some homeopathic medicine to help her. We were getting quite tired, but she was making good progress and at 10 pm Caroline’s waters broke. By now we were in the bathroom with the mattress and a good selection of towels. The final push started at 10:45 and went quite quickly. Soon the top of the baby’s head could be seen and two more pushes were enough to deliver a baby boy into the hands of Diane. Liam had arrived into the world Partus Normalis at 23:05 on the 7th October and cried out immediately.Diane and I looked on as Liam suckled up to Caroline and we all sighed with relief that everything had gone well. Liam weighed 3950g and was 51 cm long. After just 22min he was at the breast for his first feed. Diane administered some necessary stitches and Caroline moved to our bed with Liam. Diane then wrote up her notes and completed the birth registration. An hour later she was on her way home, leaving Caroline, Liam and I to settle down for our first nights sleep together.
This was an incredible 24 hours, and all the credit goes to Caroline, who was fantastic throughout. Now the fun begins :) and we are both very happy and looking forward to enjoying Liam grow up.
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 23:05 2 comments
06 October 2008
No we haven’t forgotten to let you know… were still waiting for this little boy to come out as well. So be patient, we will be posting some news as soon as we have something to report!
Posted by Richard the Lion Heart at 22:30 0 comments