30 December 2008

Liam Talking

In December Liam started to "talk" in his own individual way. See for yourself :)

25 December 2008

Now it's Christmas

Our Christmas tree is up, there is no snow, but it’s cold outside, so now it’s Christmas 2008. We are having an easy relaxing Christmas at home this year. The girls are at their mums and we are celebrating with Liam, who will be 12 week old. As you can see, he’s got the Christmas spirit and has dressed-up as one of Santa’s helpers. One of his presents is a little baby carrot, which he’s able to hold and chew for short periods of time. We’ve eaten Christmas dinner, a turkey with all the trimmings, with our friends Martin and Lotta. We have also been out for walks in the park, as its sunny most days. Will post some more photos soon.

21 December 2008

The great escape

Liam is now 10 weeks old and is “talking” more and more. If you sit with him, get his attention and start talking to him, he quite soon starts talking back to you. His talking is mainly varying tones of cooing and gooing, with some bubble blowing and squeaks thrown in, but he takes it very seriously and puts a lot of effort into it. He has also made an interesting discovery over the last week, his hands! He’s started to hold them up in front of his face and study them moving, although in a some what random manner. It’s a bit early to say for sure, but it seems he is doing this with his left hand more than his right. It will be interesting to see if this is any indication that he might become left handed when he’s grown-up.
While Caroline is breastfeeding, we have his cot in our bedroom next to our bed. I had taken away the side of his cot when I put it together, so that it would be easier to lift him over to our bed in the night. The other day I put him into his cot lying on his front, tucked him in and then pushed the cot up to the side of our bed as usual. I tucked our bedding between our mattress and the cot and left him to sleep. A few hours later we could hear him waking up with some small cries. I went into the bedroom to get him and when I got to the cot, he wasn’t there! He had managed to escape! He had never moved before, but for the first time he had managed to move, by rolling over on one side. He had rolled out of his cot and was now on his back on our bedding between the two beds. This new trick was obviously aided by the soft bedding and his heavy head. I immediately replaced the side of his cot and for the time being, our little Houdini is confined to his cot when sleeping.