22 December 2014

Moments from our trip to Australia

 Here are some moments from our holiday in Australia. Our first stop was Sydney where we stayed for a few days to see the city. The bridge, the Sydney Opera House and the big open harbour were high on our list of sights to see.

Then to Brisbane to stay with family where we made a visit to a museam with a "spot room" where you could stick spots on everything in the room! 

and a rainforest, one of several we visited during our trip.

Meeting up with kangaroos at a zoo.

17 November 2014

2014 Rönninge garden produce

So now we are almost at the end of our first year and getting to know the garden at Lilldahlsvägen 22 in Rönninge. The apple trees are quite productive and the late variety produced some nice tasting apples which seem like they might keep well. Of the small selection of vegetables we tested in this first year, the potatoes, zucchini  and carrot did the best, even if the quantity wasn't so much.

05 November 2014

Liam in his pirate outfit

Liam is on his way to a friends Birthday party dressed up as a pirate. Neela wanted to be in the picture to and liked the idea of being one to.

07 October 2014

Liam's 6th Birthday

It's Liam's Birthday today and hes 6 years old now! His main present was a new bicycle which he had already tested the previous day. He's very pleased with it as it has gears and set off to school on it very confidently.

05 October 2014

Visit to Skansen with the boys

Caro was away in Germany with Neela for a long weekend, so I went to Skansen with the boys on Sunday with our Au-pair Karolina. We were lucky with the weather and the rain held off for long enough for us to see some animals and make potato bread in one of the old farm houses.

28 September 2014

Liam's first football match with his team

After joining the local football team in Rönninge after the summer, this was Liam's first match day. He's the fourth blond from the right on the bottom row! 

24 August 2014

Grilling sausages in the woods

Liam (left) and Nicholas & Neela. Here we are grilling sausages in the woods when its not raining! Caroline was away in Germany for the weekend and I went with the kids and one of Liam's friends to grill some sausages in the woods behind our house. Its so convenient and I feel we must make the most of this great environment that's so close to home. We all had good fun and it didn't start raining until it was time to go home anyway!

18 August 2014

Liam starts school

Here is Liam starting school in Rönninge on the 18th of August. He was very pleased about this and got straight into the class and thoroughly enjoyed it. The school is just 5 min bicycle ride from our house which is very convenient and means its easy to ride along with him.

08 August 2014

Starting the bathroom renorvation project

Now the summer holiday has started, I've made a start on renovating the bathroom on the top floor. The plan is to replace the existing toilet and washbasin, remove the old wall and extend the room so I can build a shower in the room and make it into a complete 2nd bathroom.

07 August 2014

Neela with our first crop of zucchinis

We planted a few things in the garden here in Rönninge to see what worked in our new garden. These zucchinis did quite well despite them being planted a bit late and slight lack of sunlight in their location this year. I will plan to move them down to a sunnier spot next year. Anyway Neela was happy with this crop, even if shes not so keen on eating them herself.

24 May 2014

24th May House warming party + Caro's Birthday party

Our house warming party was a great success. Here is the main party table in the garden and some of the 30+ guests that came by during the day. We were lucky with the weather and were able to eat outside as planned. The caterers did a great job and they allowed Caroline and I to focus on our guests. It was also a party for Caroline's birthday too.

01 May 2014

Moving in party invite photo

Neela, Liam and Nicholas on the drive in front of the house. Still no leaves on the tress and not so warm on this day.

01 March 2014

We move to a house in Rönninge

This is our new house on Lilldalsvägen 22 in Rönninge. We moved in on Saturday the 1st of March with the help of a moving company. No 22 is a classic old Swedish wooden house built in 1924. This is the picture from the agents brochure showing the house from the right side and part of the garden, which is 1500m2 in size. We are all looking forward to living here and making this into the Holt family home.