28 June 2020

Sunny beach by the lake in Rönninge

Here is Neela and Nicholas on a sunny day down by one of the lakes in Rönninge. Its just a 10min ride fro our house and the water was over 20 degrees that day.

26 June 2020

Nicholas’s football final match with parents

Last training day of the season for Nicholas with a match against some of the parents and BBQ. Diploma and grilled mash-mellows to!

22 June 2020

Emelie has arrived

So this was the day that our planned new dog, called Emelie arrived. Unfortunately she turned out not to be a good match for us as she had some temperament issues and we were able to arrange for her move on to another family. Hope we get a better match next time!

18 June 2020

Penny, Michael, Zoe and me on a Zoom call today

Good to see them all on the same call and have the chance to discuss some family topics together.

15 June 2020

Liam in his Scottish outfit for sports day

He was so pleased even if it was a bit too large for him.

06 June 2020

01 June 2020

Milla had her three little kittens today, all on her own. She’s looking very pleased with herself.

In the park with Noah

Here we are in a park next to where Hannah and Marcus live to celebrate Emma's birthday and see Noah and the family.