27 December 2020

Emma, Jens and Ed over for Boxing Day dinner

Christmas food

24 December 2020

Baking mince pies together

22 December 2020

2020 Christmas tree 🎄

The Christmas tree is looking good this year.

15 December 2020

Gingerbread production begins

Gingerbread production in full swing. Houses and a church are the theme for this year.

10 December 2020

Nichols wins the Nobel Peace Prize at school

Each year the school gives out prizes and this year Nicholas won the Peace Prize in his class.

06 December 2020

Nikolaus visits Lilldalsvägen

Following the German tradition, Nikolaus visits our house on the 6th of December. He delivers small presents which are found in a boot by the door, very much anticipated by our children who see this as the starting point for the Christmas festivities.