A week away in a cosy, little cottage by the sea, just what we wanted for after the wedding!
We left on the Saturday, 19th, took it easy with the driving and stopped for a night in a hostel at lake Vänern, nearby Lidköping.
We arrived in Stockevik, a tiny place on the island Skaftö on the Swedish west coast during the day on Sunday and were very pleased to see our lovely cottage. It was located a bit further up on the rocks with a beautiful view over the sea and an island opposite. We could basically sit there on our veranda all day long, enjoying the sun, the air and the view and watching all the boats floating by.
Although we were driving through some heavy rain on the way, it cleared up from Sunday on and got warmer every day. We spent all day outside and it was warm enough to sit outside until late in the evening. Towards the end of the week, the temperature climbed up to 30° degrees in the shade during the day!! Almost to much for my pregnant state, but the owners of the cottage offered us to use their pool, so that we could cool down every now and again :-)
We took it very easy that week, read a few books, struggled with some advanced sudokus and just relaxed in the sun.
We did some trips to the other small villages on Skaftö - Fiskebäckskil, Grundsund and Rågårdsvik - all quite small places with pretty houses and cottages and a little marina full of boats from different countries.
On Sunday we drove down to Gothenburg, which was only 100 km away. We booked a hostel there, a bit outside the centre, that used to be a mental institution. In fact, it was a bit of a weird place, but ok anyway.
We got to see a bit of Gothenburg, which is quite different to Stockholm. Not only regarding location and size, but also regarding atmosphere and the people. Gothenburg seemed to be even more multicultural. I quite liked it, especially the huge harbour and the big long green park in the centre.
As I couldn't walk too much, we did a very touristy thing and took one of the "paddan" - a boat trip through the Canal and the harbour of Gothenburg. It went under 20 bridges - one of them so low that everybody had to get on the floor! - what was quite fun and interesting.
On Wednesday we drove back to Stockholm, with a stop for a swim in lake Vättern on the way.
It was a happy and very laid-back honeymoon and we both really enjoyed it!
The west coast is beautiful and I'm glad I got to see a bit more of Sweden.

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