05 April 2010

Only a week to go!

Its only a week to go now, before we set off on a 2 month trip around Europe. We've hired a campervan for the trip. One with lots of space for us and Liam. We just have to get into gear now and get all the things on our list done before we run out of time. We also have to do some packing and sort out all the things we want to take with us.
Our plan is to drive south via Denmark, Holland, France and Spain, then back via France, Itally and Germany. Well anyway thats the basic plan... but all plans can be changed on the way if needed. Thats the whole point of a driving holiday.

1 comment:

NinkeLiebertPhotography said...

Wishing you lots of packing fun. Anders, Benthe and I will miss you but look forward to reading about the Great Adventures :-)