14 January 2007

Sunday Breakfast Contemplation

As I eat a piece of toast with honey and Chevre cheese on it, I’m sitting here thinking of my great girl. During our chats on the phone this week, she told me that she has decided she wants to try and move to Sweden in the summer this year. I had hoped we could live together sooner rather than later, so I’m glad Caro was able to come to this decision herself…. this is great news… I’m very happy. I also know this will be a big challenge for us… especially for Caro. But it seems were both determined to deal with this in a realistic way, and at the same time focus on our relationship and our love... and that we’ve found partners in each other who we believe in.
I was also thinking about some of her great qualities. I was so impressed with one of the Christmas presents she gave me, a backgammon board, which she made herself. Incredibly well made and a fantastic gift. Then the other week she helped decorate my bedroom. It had very dismal grey wallpaper which needed to go. We sanded, filled and painted the room together…as a team…and she was very good at this… and I was happy we worked so well together on this little project… and this practical side of her personality reminds me that this is one of the reasons why I love this girl. She’s smart, intelligent, practical, lovely and sexy.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Thank you so much! I am very glad that you appreciate my practical side :-)
I really like doing things such as decorating and it was fun doing it together with you, your bedroom... thats a little bit more mine now too ;-)