25 February 2007

A long week

It’s been a long week at work and very busy. Still very frustrated with all the organisational changes going on at work and the stress this creates for everyone, not least me. My key projects and customers are all pushing for products, information and assistance and with everything else, some serious prioritising is needed to even keep slightly ahead at the moment.
I had a good evening out with Josip on Friday and although I lost the snooker match, it was great to play again after a long break following my trip to India. I need the practice.
Hannah and Emma left for their Skiing trip up to Idre in Sweden. There off for the week with their Church group and all their friends… hope Hannah’s knee lasts the week!

I spent all morning in bed talking to Caro on Skype. It’s just a great way to spend the morning and we can talk as long as we like about what’s happening in our life, and for free, good for Skype. Had a log discussion about what to move and where some of her things will fit in my flat… its fun to plan for this move. As usual I’m longing for her and thinking it’s going to be a long 2 weeks before we see each other again. At least we can chat as much as we like and when we want to. Love this girl so much.

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