01 December 2006

A reason

Sometimes I wonder why I am here…living in a foreign country, working for a Swedish company, trying to remain British in a sea of Swedes…
but then I remember that its not important where you are in the world, what’s important is that you enjoy your life and that there is someone else in your life that matters….and if your lucky, someone who cares and loves you. That’s what makes it all worth while. And I’m lucky enough to have a special person in my life and she’s coming to see me this weekend…and that’s what matters just now. Can’t wait to see her and kiss her at the airport…I know she’s also looking forward to that kiss, that long embrace…and another weekend together in each others arms.


Caroline said...

Your right.
But its not only the question with whom you want to enjoy your life but also where, at least in the long run. I wouldn't choose to spend the rest of my life somewhere in the middle of nowhere lost in Mongolia, even if I'd know there is a special person who loves me ;-)

Caroline said...

It's funny that you wrote that as I had similar thoughts last night.......
Its on my mind this "where"-question.
But your right, for now all that matters is that I am coming to see you today!

Caroline said...

Furthermore whats important......

Jag älskar dig!


Richard the Lion Heart said...

Jag älskar dig också :)

Aaron said...

Dude! What are you doing typing a blogg at 1 something am?
Caroline, I am looking forward to meeting you. Anyone who reads someones blogg at 7 in the morning must be in love!

Aaron said...

Richard, as a teacher, I teach the kids to chose an audience when they are writing. Who have you chosen? Are you really this romantic/deep? Don't get me wrong, you write well and your thoughts are on the money, but it seems more like poetry than a blogg. Keep up the poetry! How about a Haiku? I think Tanka poetry is more up your alley!