11 September 2006

9/11 Flight

9/11 was a truly shocking event and this date is therefore unforgettable for most of us. Now 5 years on and on the very same day, I’m sitting on a plane on my way to New York and then on to Pittsburgh on a business trip. Some of my friends and family were concerned about me being on this flight, as was my girlfriend Caroline. As the plane is less than half full, I suspect that others have chosen not to fly on this day. I really don’t worry about these things and am not concerned. I spend so much time flying and have stopped thinking about accidents with planes a long time ago. But I do respect that others are worried and I hope that everyone who knows me is not too stressed about this flight.
We have just flown over Greenland, which for once was not covered in cloud and looked fantastic. The coast line was mountainous and full of glaciers twisting down into the clear blue sea, which was full of icebergs. Were at an altitude of 12,000 metres, travelling at 886 km/h and its minus 48 deg.C outside. The wireless internet connection is fine and I’m just mailing this message to some friends now.

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