18 August 2006

A great visit

Although I only had an evening and morning with Caroline during this visit to Köln, it was really great and seemed to last much longer than I expected.

As well as all our passionate moments, we spent lots of time talking about all sorts of things and I feel were getting to know each other very well. It’s still quite early in our relationship, but I think we continue to find a great deal of subjects on which we both have similar views. We lie in bed in the morning and plan several trips to Köln and Stockholm over the coming months. It can be cheep to fly as long as you book in advance and were taking advantage of that. I will visit her again in the first weekend in September for a long weekend. Very much looking forward to that and to meeting her friends. We also talked about future possibilities to be together and I was surprised Caro was prepared and had given this some thought already. I’d previously decided not to get into this subject until we had seen more about each other, but it’s good to see she’s taking this relationship seriously. That makes me feel good.

When its time to go, I’m trying to be brave and cool but I just want to throw away my bag and stay with her. My heart is longing as soon as I’m driving away in the taxi and the only consolation is to sit down later and write all this all on my Blog. Wonder if anyone else other than Caro will ever read this Blog and what they will make of it?

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