15 August 2006

Travelling again

Now I’m off travelling with my work again, only this time I have the chance to mix business with pleasure. My job requires me to travel a lot and it takes me all over the world, but it’s very unusual for me to plan anything fun at the same time. This time I’m visiting customers in Switzerland and Germany, flying to Zurich then by train to Mannheim and Köln. The coincidence is almost beyond belief, as Caro lives in Köln, so I get the chance to visit her there for the first time. I can’t wait. She’s been sending me more text messages and e-mails with more of her story about us. As usual I am taken back by her ability to describe our meetings in detail and with all the same passion I felt at the time too. It’s very hard to get my emotions about this girl straight in my head. I’ve started something that I want to continue, the question is; do I know where it’s going and am I prepared for the potential result. I know I don’t want to stop now anyway.

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